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  1. Debunking Common Medical Alert System Myths

    When it comes to themes like health and safety, having the proper information is of vital importance. This is especially true for various products or services you or your family may be considering the purchase of, such as a medical alert system for a senior or another loved one with care needs -- and one roadblock here is the presence of a few unfortunate myths surrounding these highly beneficial products and services. 

    At Stay Safe Alert, we're here to not only provide a wide range of clients with various medical alert systems, including bracelets, phone-based alerts and more, but also to offer robust information and data regarding the uses and benefits of our systems. We've heard all the major misconceptions out there about medical alert products, and we have the proper information to correct each of them. Here are a few of the most common, debunked with correct data.

    Myth #1: Medical Alert Systems Aren't Needed

    This first myth is one that's born mostly of ignorance to others' circumstances, which is part of what makes it so frustrating. Some people simply assume that with resources like 9-1-1 available, and cell phones also common, that anyone who is hurt or having an issue in their home will simply be able to reach out for help. Unfortunately, this is not always the case for many seniors in particular.

    For one, many falls and other accidents happen when no one else is around, so there's no one to call 9-1-1 or otherwise provide assistance. Additionally, those with chronic conditions or who take medication that may induce dizziness or lightheadedness are also at an increased risk for falls and other accidents, again with no one around to help.

    In these circumstances, a medical alert system can literally be a lifesaver, as it provides those who may not be able to reach a phone the ability to get in touch with emergency services with just the push of a button -- and in some cases, even if they're unable to press the button or speak, as our systems can also detect a fall and place the call for help automatically.

    Myth #2: Medical Alert Systems Are Only for Seniors

    While it's true that some seniors do find great benefits from medical alert systems, they are far from the only ones who can make use of these products. In fact, any individual with a chronic condition that could result in a fall or other accident, anyone taking medication that may induce dizziness or lightheadedness, and even young children who are home alone at times can all find great benefits from having a medical alert system in their home.

    For instance, someone who isn't a senior but suffers from epilepsy or another condition that could result in a fall or seizure with no one around can find great peace of mind in knowing they have a medical alert system to help them get the assistance they need, even if they're unable to reach a phone. Other disabilities that may make reaching a phone difficult can also benefit from these systems.

    Myth #3: Medical Alert Systems Are Costly and Inconvenient

    This myth is two-fold, as it not only suggests that medical alert systems are expensive, but also that they're inconvenient to use. First, let's dispel the notion that medical alert systems are expensive. In reality, the cost of these systems is relatively low, especially when you compare it to the potential cost of an accident or injury without a system in place. They're also quite low when compared to the costs of assisted living programs, which many people turn to in an effort to avoid accidents and injuries.

    As for the convenience factor, that couldn't be further from the truth. Many modern medical alert systems are designed to be as unobtrusive and easy-to-use as possible, with some even resembling regular pieces of jewelry like bracelets. They're also quite simple to set up and use, so there's no need to worry about any complicated instructions or procedures.

    Myth #4: Medical Alert Systems Aren't Reliable

    When it comes to medical alert systems, reliability is of the utmost importance. After all, if you can't rely on your system to work when you need it, then what's the point of having one at all?

    Fortunately, medical alert systems have come a long way in recent years, and they're now more reliable than ever before. Newer systems make use of GPS technology to provide better coverage and more accurate location information, so you can rest assured knowing help will always be close by. Additionally, many systems now offer fall detection capabilities, so even if you're unable to press the button or speak, help will still be on the way.

    Myth #5: Medical Alert Systems Involve a Long-Term Commitment

    This myth is another two-fold issue, as it not only suggests that medical alert systems require a long-term commitment, but also that they're difficult to cancel if you decide you no longer need them.

    First, let's dispel the idea that medical alert systems require a long-term commitment. In reality, most systems only require a short-term commitment of one to three years. And, if you decide you no longer need the system after that point, cancelling is easy and straightforward.

    Additionally, many medical alert systems now offer month-to-month options, so you're not even locked into a long-term commitment if you don't want to be. This makes it easy to try out a system to see if it's right for you, without having to worry about any long-term obligations.

    For more correct information on medical alert systems that debunks certain unfortunate myths, or to learn about any of our products in this realm, contact the pros at Stay Safe Alert today.

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  2. Signs Your Parent May Need a Medical Alert System

    For many children of aging parents, or any other kind of senior caregiver, determining when a loved one may require some assistance in their daily life can be a tough subject. Programs like medical alert systems provide fantastic benefits for many people as they age -- but how do you know if your parent or any other loved one may be in need of one?

    At Stay Safe Alert, we're happy to not only offer a wide range of medical alert system products, including options like necklaces and several others, but also to provide clients with tips and expertise on numerous related areas. We commonly speak with children of aging parents and other caregivers, helping them understand the benefits of our products and when the time might be right to consider these for their loved one. Let's go over some common signs that your loved one could be in need of a medical alert system.

    Regular Falls or Accidents

    If your loved one is having falls or accidents on a regular basis, this could be a sign they need some help. Falls are a leading cause of injury and death for seniors, so it's important to take any fall very seriously.

    A medical alert system can provide your loved one with the support they need if an accident does happen. They will be able to press a button on their device to get in touch with emergency personnel who can provide them with the help they need.

    One or More Recent Strokes

    In other cases, a loved one may have had a stroke and be in need of extra help. The likelihood of another stroke goes way up after a first one, for starters. This can be a difficult time for families, but with a medical alert system, you can feel confident that your loved one will get the support they need if they have another stroke.

    Those who have had a stroke may be limited in what they can do on their own, and a medical alert system can provide them with the independence they need. By pressing a button, they will be able to get help from emergency personnel who can provide them with everything from transportation to medical assistance if needed.

    Heart Disease or Heart Attack

    Another range of health issues that may require a medical alert system is heart disease or heart attack. If your loved one has either of these conditions, they are at an increased risk for a cardiac emergency.

    With a medical alert system, they will be able to press a button and get help from emergency personnel right away. This can be crucial in preventing fatalities or further health complications.

    Did you realize that someone in the US has a heart attack every 42 seconds? Emergency medical personnel simply can't be on-hand for every single one of these, and this makes a medical alert system crucial for those who have heart disease or a heart attack.

    Signs of Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis or Epilepsy

    Some general basics on these three conditions:

    • Parkinson's disease: This is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement.
    • Multiple sclerosis: This is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves.
    • Epilepsy: A neurological disorder characterized by seizures, one that affects people of all ages.

    If your loved one is displaying any of the signs of these three conditions, they may need a medical alert system. Each of these diseases can cause seizures, which could lead to serious injury or even death if not handled correctly. With a medical alert system, your loved one will be able to press a button and get help from emergency personnel without any delay.

    Diabetes Signs

    Whether your loved one is simply showing potential signs of diabetes or has already been diagnosed with the disease, it's important to be aware of the risks. Diabetes can cause a number of health complications, some of which can be life-threatening.

    If your loved one is displaying any signs of diabetes, it's important to talk to them about getting a medical alert system. This will provide them with the support they need if they have a diabetic emergency. By pressing a button, they will be able to get help from emergency personnel who can provide them with the assistance they need.

    Home Security Needs

    While most people naturally associate medical alert systems with health areas, and rightfully so, these products can also be a great way to encourage home safety and intruder prevention. People with medical alert devices are able to get help from emergency personnel right away, without having to wait for someone to come and assist them. This can be crucial in an emergency situation, as even a few minutes can make all the difference.

    In addition to the peace of mind that a medical alert system provides, it can also act as a deterrent for criminals. With a system like this in place, potential burglars will know that there is a good chance that someone inside the home will be able to get help from emergency personnel right away. This can make them think twice before attempting a burglary.

    As you can see, there are a number of reasons why your parent may need a medical alert system. If they are displaying any of the signs listed in this article, it's important to talk to them about getting a system. This will provide them with the independence and peace of mind they need during their golden years.

    For more on this, or to learn about any of our medical alert system products or services, speak to the staff at Stay Safe Alert today.

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  3. Soothing Senior Anxiety Regarding Living Alone

    For some people, including seniors and also certain other groups who may be in this situation, the prospect of living at home alone can be a stressful or anxiety-inducing one. From fears of accidents or intrusions to the possibility of loneliness, there are few understandable reasons why some in this position are anxious about such a move.

    At Stay Safe Alert, we're proud to provide quality medical alert systems for a variety of needs, including those who live at home and may worry about what happens if they fall or experience any kind of other accident or in-home need while alone. With one of our systems in place, you or a loved one will never have to worry about not being able to receive care if something happens, a major weight off the minds of many people who live alone. Here are some important ways that those in this situation, or their caregivers, can go about easing anxiety and stress that may be felt.

    Medical Alert System

    We'll start with the area where our expertise lies, which is also one of the most important resources for many seniors and others who live on their own: A quality medical alert system set up in the home. This system will always remain a safety net, no matter how things may change around the house.

    It's also a great way to give yourself peace of mind, knowing that you have this kind of protection in place and can always rely on it as needed. Simply having such a system in place serves as a great way to reduce stress and anxiety. Many such systems allow the resident to get in touch with operators easily, often with voice only, and will only call for help in the case of an emergency. This is also another reason why such systems offer great peace of mind.

    Establish Strong Home Safety

    Another important factor in easing anxiety about living alone: Improving the safety of the home in question. In many cases, fears or anxiety about falls or other accidents stem from unsafe or even outright dangerous conditions in the home. Making sure that there's no clutter or other risks can make a big difference, since this is something you have the control over and don't need to rely on others to handle.

    In cases where it may not be possible for someone to clean up their living spaces, which is more typical with seniors, having professionals come in to handle a massive cleanup can be a good idea. This will not only reduce the dangers of falling or having any other kind of accident, but will help to assure parents and caregivers that their loved one is living in a safer home space.

    There are many other themes that can be considered here, including burglar-proofing techniques like alarm systems and locks. For many seniors or others living on their own, establishing a nightly "lock-up" routine can also be of big importance, especially if they're nervous about home invasions or want to give themselves peace of mind.

    A Check-In Routine

    Another common fear of people who live alone is simply being forgotten, whether during a period of need or simply in a general sense. One great way of soothing this fear: Establishing a weekly or nightly check-in routine with a friend, family member, or other loved one.

    This can be done either in person or over the phone, whatever works best for everyone involved. It's even better if this means seeing others face-to-face on a regular basis instead of just talking to them on the phone.

    Not only will this improve daily happiness among all parties, it will make it easier for family or friends to recognize if something is going wrong with the person in question -- if this person fails to check in at their normal time, for instance, something might be wrong, and a friend or family member can make a visit to make sure everything is all right.

    Even if this isn't possible (it can be difficult to get away), having a regular check-in routine like this will almost always reduce anxiety and stress, making it easier for everyone involved.

    Consider a Pet

    For those who don't already have a pet, such as a cat or dog, this may be an excellent way of managing certain feelings of loneliness or fear about living in a home alone. Pets don't just improve happiness and provide regular companionship, they can also give some people that extra layer of security or peace of mind, especially if the pet is clearly affixed to its human partner.

    There's a reason why pets are so common in nursing homes and assisted living facilities: They provide real benefits that can't be replicated with any other kind of support system. They're there to welcome you when you get home and also to provide the kind of companionship that friends and family just can't always give. The same can be said for pets living in a home with someone who has anxiety or fears about living alone.

    General Routine

    Finally, many who live alone find that they can improve their general purpose and feelings of happiness by establishing simple routines. Whether it means taking care of your pet, cooking dinner every night or every other night, checking the mail at a certain time, or anything else that can be considered "routine", living alone is much easier when you have certain tasks to do during set times throughout the day.

    For those who may feel as if they're constantly on the go, from either work or another activity, setting up a routine like this can make it easier to cope with the demands of doing everything on your own. Whether that means cooking certain foods during certain hours or keeping a clean space at all times, a simple routine goes a long way over time.

    For more on how to ease anxiety about living alone through both medical alert systems and several other methods, or to learn about any of our alert bracelets, necklaces or other systems, speak to the team at Stay Safe Alert today.

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  4. How to Improve Safety Within a Senior’s Home

    Whether you're the child of an aging parent or any other kind of regular caregiver, one task that's vital in many such settings is promoting safety within the home. Many seniors are easily capable of living on their own, but may require a few specific safety-related themes or systems that assist them on a daily basis. 

    At Stay Safe Alert, we're proud to offer the very best medical alert systems and related products on the market, including products ranging from alert systems themselves to devices like bracelets and many others that make this theme more convenient. Along with these systems, which are enormously beneficial to many seniors and their caregivers, what are some other areas you should be considering in terms of home safety if you're taking on a caregiver role of any kind? Here are several.

    Medical Alert System

    We wanted to spend a bit more time on medical alert systems before moving on to other themes here, as they're a vast resource for many people. There are many situations where you never know what might happen while a senior is living on their own, and the presence of a medical alert system can mean the difference between a safe, comfortable living situation or one that's fraught with potential risk.

    In fact, the mere availability of such a system means that seniors are more likely to live at home longer and enjoy greater independence for a longer period of time. This is especially beneficial when it comes to elderly parents or in-laws who might not be quite what they used to be, but are still more than capable of living alone safely.

    Even if the senior in question doesn't have any specific health conditions, and is just looking for added peace of mind as they age, these systems can be a solid investment. They're also ideal for those who might not quite be at the point where they need to use such a system, but could benefit from knowing it's available should the time come.

    In addition to a quality medical alert system, what are some other ways to make a senior's home as safe as possible for independent, healthy daily living? Here are several themes.

    Room Selection

    If a senior you're helping care for is in the process of moving into a new home, condo, apartment or any other building, the room chosen for their primary living quarters should be one that's compatible with their needs. Consider the following variables when choosing a room:

    • Easy accessibility: Seniors will often want an easily accessible room to make it easier for them to get around on their own, but this also means making sure the doorways are wide enough for walking carts or wheelchairs, if necessary. If you can't do this, you'll want to consider other alternatives.
    • Easy bathroom access: When it comes to room choice and accessibility, seniors should also have easy access to a bathroom as well as an easily accessible sink. This is important for many reasons, but could be even more essential for those who are using medical alert systems in their homes.
    • Limit stairs or climbing: If at all possible, select a room on the first floor of a building instead of one that requires climbing stairs or using an elevator for access. This is another accommodation that's great to give seniors as they age and might not be as spry on their feet as they once were.

    Room Design

    Once the living quarters have been selected, there are a few important design concepts that will play a big role in maintaining its safety:

    • Limit clutter: Both when designing the room and well into the future, reduce the amount of clutter in the room as much as possible. This will keep walkways clear for seniors, allowing them to move around the space safely and carefully.
    • Avoid improper railings: Because walkways might already be cluttered, it's important to avoid putting up new railings that can become hazards when walking around. Instead, work with what you have, or find other ways to help seniors move around the space without making it more dangerous for them along the way.
    • Limit access to potential dangers: To keep your senior loved one safe in their new home, make sure they don't have access to anything that may cause harm come time for them to use it. This includes cleaning chemicals and other dangerous materials, as well as knives and sharp objects that might cause injury within the space.

    Bathroom Adjustments

    For many seniors, the bathroom is a specific area of the home that will require extra attention and care as they age. While it might not always be necessary to make changes, there are several important design concepts you'll want to keep in mind:

    • Sturdy walk-in or roll-in showers: Is your senior loved one at risk of falling? If so, a walk-in shower will make it much easier for them to bathe on a regular basis. If this isn't an option, consider a roll-in shower instead.
    • Walk-in or raised toilets: Along the same lines as the walk-in shower is a walk-in or raised toilet. This will make it easier for many seniors to use on a regular basis and is definitely worth considering as they age.
    • Grab bars and slip mats: If your senior loved one is still able to bathe on their own, adding grab bars and slip mats in the tub or shower will make things much easier for them. This will not only provide extra support while they move around, but also help keep them firmly planted in place so they don't fall.


    Throughout any such upgrades or improvements you make to a senior's home, it's vital to be patient and understanding. It can be a struggle for some seniors to make these changes, and oftentimes they'll need time to adjust and adapt to any new routine.

    As in many situations, you should always take this kind of change in stride and realize that allowing your senior loved one the time they need is much more important than rushing through the process. Find a way to work at their pace so you can make sure their comfort is not disturbed while you look to improve overall safety around the home.

    For more on senior safety within their home and how our medical alert systems can help, speak to the pros at Stay Safe Alert today.

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  5. Factors in Choosing Ideal Medical Alert System

    If you or a senior loved one you care about is considering the potential need for a medical alert device system, you have several quality options to choose from. Senior needs vary significantly, and as such, manufacturers of such medical alert devices have created a few different templates that allow for varying uses and benefits.

    At Stay Safe Alert, we're happy to offer several styles of medical alert system to our clients, including both landline and cellular devices, necklace options, bracelet options and more. Not only this, but we'll work with seniors and their caregivers to find the ideal product that works for their needs. What are the basic steps to follow when identifying the proper medical alert system? Here's a rundown.

    Assess Basic Needs

    First and foremost, the basic needs of the senior or patient in question must be considered. While most medical alert systems are designed to serve as a panic button, where pressing them triggers assistance in one of several ways, there are notable differences in the way they operate and the kinds of triggers that are utilized.

    For these, patients and caregivers need to think about their most common needs. Do you need a regular wearable that can be worn at all times and contact emergency services if help is needed, or would a stationary panic button work better for you? If so, a necklace or bracelet option with a pendant or button may be the best choice.

    Do you need help around the clock, or just during certain hours? A medical alert system with round-the-clock monitoring service is likely a better fit than one without it.

    There are also systems that activate via other methods, such as by voice or by pulling on a cord. There may be several situations where this is actually the ideal solution - for example, if the senior only needs help when taking a bath but doesn't want to wear a device all day.

    Consider Lifestyle and Mobility Needs

    After assessing basic needs, it's important to consider lifestyle and mobility needs as well. This is especially important for seniors who still lead active lifestyles.

    For example, if you're an active senior who enjoys spending time outdoors, a medical alert system that needs to be tethered to a landline may not be the best option - a cellular device would be more suitable. If you're someone who has trouble getting around, on the other hand, a wearable device with GPS tracking could be ideal.

    Assess Possible Risks or Dangers

    Also vital during this process will be evaluating the potential risks or dangers present to the patient on a daily basis -- and being as realistic as possible about these. For instance, has the senior in question experienced multiple falls lately, and as such might need medical assistance in the event of another? If so, a lanyard with medical alert device like Stay Safe Alert's or one that can be mounted on a wall would likely be more beneficial.

    On the other hand, some people use medical alert devices for specific conditions, such as heart disease. In such cases, a wristwatch-style alert system that can be worn all day and sends an immediate fall alert to first responders if needed might be more appropriate.

    In still other cases, some seniors or patients might prefer an alert system in a specific area of their home. Stairs, for instance, are a common trouble area -- placing a device at the top and/or bottom of the staircase can be a huge help.

    No matter what, it's important to work with a company like Stay Safe Alert that has a wide variety of devices and services to choose from, in order to find the perfect system for your loved one.

    Budget Factors

    Naturally, like any other major purchase that's made, you should also be taking the time to consider budget factors. Some medical alert systems are very affordable, while others are more expensive. Again, it's important to assess the needs of the senior in question and find a system that meets those needs without breaking the bank.

    When considering price, it's important to think not only about up-front cost of the item, but also about any long-term monitoring costs associated with the device. For example, some alert systems require a monthly or yearly fee for monitoring service, while others do not.

    Generally speaking, we recommend being pretty flexible with your budget here. Medical alert systems are vital components to health and safety for many people; spending a few extra dollars beyond your initial budget for them will typically be well worth it. This is especially true when you factor in the emotional and physical costs that come with any accident that happens to take place -- peace of mind is worth more than dollars and cents.

    Insurance Coverage?

    While you're considering the costs of a medical alert system, it's important to look into whether your insurance will cover any or all of the expense. This is especially true if you're thinking about a long-term solution, as some medical alert systems can be costly to maintain on an ongoing basis.

    In many cases, Medicaid or Medicare may cover some or all of the cost of a medical alert system. If you're not sure, it's always best to give your insurance carrier a call and ask. They should be able to help clarify what, if any, coverage is available to you.

    For more on how to choose the ideal medical alert system for the needs of the patient, or to learn about any of our medical alert devices, speak to the caring staff with Stay Safe Alert today.

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  6. Common Reasons for Purchasing a Medical Alert System

    There are a few extremely beneficial products or services out there that some people may not even realize are ideal for them, and a good example here is medical alert systems. While those with specific health conditions are often made aware of these systems and will be utilizing them, these are far from the only people who may benefit from these quality devices.

    At Stay Safe Alert, we're proud to offer a wide range of medical alert system products, including alert necklaces, alert bracelets and more. What are some of the top reasons our clients have for purchasing these items, from the ones you've likely considered to a few you may not have thought about before? Here's a primer.

    Specific Health Conditions

    As we noted above, the most well-known and still certainly the most popular use of medical alert systems is among those who have some kind of specific health condition that puts them at risk for an emergency. Conditions like heart disease, epilepsy and asthma can all create potentially dangerous situations if not addressed quickly.

    For these individuals, a medical alert system is an essential piece of safety equipment, providing peace of mind in knowing that should something happen, they will have help coming their way fast. Those in these positions may not be able to make it to a phone or even communicate effectively if they're having a medical emergency, so being able to push a button and get help is an immeasurable relief.


    Another population that can greatly benefit from owning a medical alert system are seniors. This population is often targeted with these devices because as we age, our risks for health emergencies increase.

    Falls, for instance, are one of the leading causes of injury and death in seniors, and medical alert systems can help mitigate the risks associated with falls. If a senior falls and is unable to get up, being able to push a button and summon help can be the difference between life and death.

    In addition, many seniors live alone and may not have anyone around to help them in an emergency. A medical alert system can provide the support they need to get help - even if it's just someone on the other end of a line who can call for additional assistance.

    Staying Independent

    While this theme often applies to the two categories we've gone over above, it's still worth mentioning on its own for a variety of needs. Whether you have a health condition, are getting up there in years or simply want to enjoy a more independent lifestyle, a medical alert system can be the answer.

    These systems are often portable, with many options available in necklace and bracelet styles. They also serve as great, reliable tool for those who may not have anyone around to help them should they fall or otherwise need assistance. Having this option is a key component of maintaining independence, so it's no surprise that these systems are so popular.

    Living Alone

    Even if you don't fall under any of the specific categories we listed above, you may be someone who lives on your own and simply wants the peace of mind that comes with owning a medical alert system. This is a more general need, but it's one that is no less important.

    Living alone can come with a lot of perks, but it also comes with increased risks if something happens to you. If you're injured and unable to get up, for instance, or have a medical emergency, you're the only person who can help yourself. Having a medical alert system on hand can relieve that stress and give you additional options to choose from in case of an emergency.

    Keeping Loved Ones From Fretting

    Even if you personally don't feel like you're quite at a point where a medical alert system is really necessary, those close to you may disagree.

    Try putting themselves in your shoes, which you might be able to do from personal experience. If you care for an older or ill loved one, it can be profoundly worrying to think about them living alone and potentially in need of help without you around to answer the call. Getting a medical alert system for this person can alleviate that worry, allowing them to continue living independently while also providing peace of mind to those who love them the most.

    Confidence in Activities

    Finally, if you're on the fence about purchasing a medical alert system due to your age, conditions you have or any other reason, just consider this: When you have such a device on-hand, you'll feel exponentially more confident in participating in activities that come with a bit of risk.

    Rock climbing, skiing, whitewater rafting - any number of activities suddenly become much more accessible when you know you have a medical alert system to rely on if things go wrong. You can enjoy these activities with all the more peace of mind knowing that help is just a push of a button away.

    Even within your own home, such as on the stairs, you're more likely to feel comfortable and safe knowing that help is so close by.

    Inexpensive and Simple

    And if you're looking to make this purchase based on what you've read here, know that doing so is incredibly simple and easy. All you have to do is call our staff to learn about your various options, then make the ideal selection for your needs and wait for it to arrive.

    For more on common reasons why you might consider purchasing a medical alert system, or to learn about any of our medical alert products, speak to the pros at Stay Safe Alert today.

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  7. How to Find the Best Medical Alert Bracelet for You

    Every day in this nation, medical alert bracelets are saving lives of seniors as well as those who require assisted living, by alerting emergency medical professionals as well as family members in the event of an emergency.

    Recent technological advances in medical alert bracelets have made it possible to alert those who are necessary to respond to your needs within seconds of falls, slips, broken bones, difficulty breathing, chest pains, etc. As with any technology or product, you will a wide variety of different styles and brands to choose from, potentially making it difficult to determine which one is best for you and your needs.

    Understanding Medical Alert Bracelet Systems

    Emergency alert jewelry, including bracelets and necklaces, are designed to provide seamless protection wherever you may go. With nationwide coverage, you are free to travel, visit family or wander wherever you have to urge to go. Known as a Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) device, these systems do not have to be connected to a phone line to function.

    The best medical alert devices are ones that will always be within your reach, making the medical alert bracelets superior to non-wearable options, as they tend to stay on your wrist at all times. You don’t have to take them off during showers, exercise or sleep.

    To determine which medical alert bracelet is best for you, compare and contrast the features and functions that these invaluable medical alert devices have to offer and how those relate to your lifestyle, needs and preferences.


    If you are an active person, or someone who likes to travel, an important aspect of your medical alert bracelet must be how widespread its coverage is, as well as its ability to pinpoint your whereabouts at any given time.

    Stay Safe Alert Nationwide bracelets are equipped with the latest GPS technology and work accurately everywhere in the United States, without having to notify Emergency Operator systems in advance of traveling.

    Simplicity Of Use

    During any type of emergency, you may become confused or disoriented and not have the means necessary to recall phone numbers, identification codes or specifics about your medical history in the moment. Stay Safe Alert Nationwide’s PERS is a one-button system. That means you simply press one button, and the PERS does the rest.

    With Stay Safe Alert Nationwide’s Medical Alert Bracelet, there is no phone line required and response is nearly instantaneous.

    This small and unobtrusive device is equipped with a speaker and microphone. Through this sensitive microphone, you can request immediate assistance from an emergency operator. The operator instantly notifies emergency response personnel and selected family members, advising them that you are in need of help. The operator will advise everyone of your location.

    You can also provide your medical history in advance. This information is securely maintained on file for Emergency Operators, so they can advise emergency medical technicians in advance of any information they need to be aware of. This helps ensure that there is no confusion or errors in how to proceed with your emergency.

    Battery Life

    It is no understatement that the best medical alert bracelet is the one that is powered ON, meaning battery life is not to be overlooked.

    Stay Safe Alert Nationwide bracelets offer a battery that remains charged for up to 48 hours before requiring a recharge. This is especially important if you are on the go, as you don’t want to be looking for charging stations every few hours like a teenager worried about missing their next Tik Tok video.

    In addition, our medical alert bracelet includes a very simple cradle charger that is very easy to use and offers quick charging times.

    Best Medical Alert Bracelet for Men

    Men who need a medical alert device sometimes shy away from bracelet style devices, worrying that these devices might be designed primarily for women, based on the name.

    Stay Safe Alert’s bracelet option has a design that resembles the size and shape of a wristwatch. The alert device is slim and comfortable on the wrist, ensuring that the user will be comfortable enough to wear the device at all times, other than the periodic recharging of the device.

    Best Medical Alert Bracelet for Women

    Finding a medical alert bracelet for women is easy when you choose to purchase your medical alert services from Stay Safe Alert.

    Our systems are designed to provide the best features for the lowest possible price, making these systems accessible even for those seniors who live on a fixed income.

    You can sign up for our nationwide medical alert systems on a month-to-month basis. We can even accommodate you if you need to post-date your first payment. Simply contact our friendly and helpful customer service department to make your request.

    We also have home-based emergency alert systems, including systems that work with both landline and cellular telephone systems. However, these systems are more restrictive, and won’t be able to provide you with the power, flexibility and freedom that a bracelet medical alert device can.

    In any emergency, quickness of medical response is of utmost importance. Devices that are simple to use help ensure that you won’t be hindered by panic or bewilderment, or an inability to communicate location information. The Stay Safe Alert system works anywhere in the United States for only about $1 per day. You can speak to a live operator any time of the day or night, to notify your loved ones and to get the help you need.

    You can contact us today to learn more about our systems. You can also shop on our safe and secure website, to purchase what we believe is the best medical alert bracelet on the market today.

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  8. What Is the Best Medical Alert Systems for Seniors?

    Medical alert systems for seniors are one of the most effective and affordable ways to ensure the safety of an older loved one living in their own home.

    If you or a loved one wants to retain the independence of staying in your home, but needs the peace of mind that comes from knowing help is only a button push away, a medical alert system can provide the answers you need.

    If you aren’t familiar with these medical monitoring devices, or if you aren’t sure what you should look for when selecting one, the experts at Stay Safe Alert have put together some basic information to help you make your choice.

    What Is a Medical Alert System?

    Medical alert systems – also known as medical monitoring systems and personal emergency response systems (PERS) – are designed to alert someone should a medical emergency occur or should someone need help urgently.

    Systems typically consist of a wireless transmitter that is worn or carried on the person. Should they fall or have an urgent medical need, they activate the device, typically by pushing a button on the transmitter. A signal is immediately sent to the designated recipients, typically a monitoring service or a series of designated cell phones.

    If a monitoring service is selected to receive the call, they will dispatch emergency medical personnel. If the designated recipient is a family member or friend, they can decide the next steps.

    Why Do Seniors Need Medical Alert Systems?

    Is anything more important than your well-being and peace of mind – of that of an aging loved one?

    As they age, older people face an increasing risk of incidents and accidents such as falls. No matter what the cause of a fall might be, seniors rarely fall within easy reach of the telephone. Without a way to contact someone for help, the results could be dire.

    In other cases, seniors can develop chronic health conditions. For example, heart disease, diabetes, vertigo, Alzheimer’s disease, or mobility challenges. These and other conditions can lead to medical emergencies.

    Having a medical alert system in place ensures that, no matter what happens, your loved one will be able to call for help, quickly and effectively.

    What Features Should a Medical Alert System Have?

    As odd as it might seem, the most important feature is a comfortable transmitter that the intended senior user will wear or keep on their person at all times. If they fall or have a medical emergency but don’t have their transmitter in hand, the system is virtually useless.

    The next important factor is that the system is easy to use. Seniors may lack the technical ability to use a complex system or feel daunted by it. In a medical emergency situation, they aren’t likely to have the ability to execute any complex functions. They should be able to push a button and get the help they need.

    The best medical alert companies design systems that use a GPS signal to notify emergency medical personnel of the victim’s location. Look also for systems that allow you to provide your loved one’s medical records to the monitoring company, so they have the necessary information to provide paramedics in advance.

    Hands-free communication is also important. Seniors are not usually able to get to a phone in an emergency situation. This means the device needs a speaker the senior can hear clearly and a microphone that will accurately pick up the words being spoken during the emergency.

    Another feature to look for is an extended battery life. Seniors may not remember to charge their transmitter every day. Should an emergency strike, no medical alert device will be of any help if the battery is dead.

    Reliability is important, as is durability. But a medical alert system should also be affordable. Many seniors live on a fixed income and might not be able to afford an expensive alert systems.

    How Do You Find the Best Medical Alert System?

    If you’re looking for a senior alert system for yourself or someone else, you will have many to choose from – too many, perhaps.

    Choosing the right medical alert device shouldn’t be confusing or overwhelming. It also should not be cost prohibitive. You don’t need dozens of different devices to sort through and compare – just one that has all the features you need.

    Stay Safe Alert offers a unique combination of features, performance and affordability. We have nationwide medical emergency alert systems that can be used anywhere, at any time. We also have home-based medical alert systems for anyone who only needs monitoring in their home.

    Stay Safe Alert has designed our medical monitoring systems to provide independence for older adults and peace of mind for them and their loved ones. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to remain in their homes for as long as possible. We also understand how difficult it can be to know your loved ones might be vulnerable to accidents and health challenges.

    We have developed our personal emergency response systems (PERS) to be as easy to use as possible. We also believe that cost should never prevent anyone from having protection and peace of mind. For that reason, we have created medical alert systems that are as affordable as they are reliable.

    Contact us today to learn our products and services, or to purchase what we believe is the best senior medical alert system on the market today.

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